What Industries can BNCC Support?
Our experience includes:
  • Retail
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Insurance
  • Publishing
  • Financial Services
  • Consumer Services
  • eCommerce
  • Franchise Support
  • Hospitality

How does BNCC ensure outstanding customer service?
We conduct thorough screening during recruitment and provide an intense training program. In addition, BNCC monitors quality through our quality department, built around quality assurance, quality control, quality analysis, and performance development model. It allows our team to spend efforts ensuring compliance and performance are assessed and developed.
How does the team keep positive morale and stay motivated?
A highly trained agent excels at their job, which is extremely rewarding in and of itself. Therefore, we put a great amount of emphasis on our training programs. Our guided career path is also a great motivator. For example, all our leadership roles are filled by people who started out as agents and worked their way up. Finally, access to leadership, including our CEO, who is on-site every day, strengthens the bonds throughout the entire team.
How do we engage with the citizens and the local community?
We believe in the citizens of Belize and their values, and we offer strong community service and involvement initiatives, self-led by our teams as part of an engaging experience.
How do you compare BNCC's value to your competition?
Value is achieved through three critical components, the first of which is low turnover. Our agents are passionate about what they do and it shows in our retention rate. Finding and training new employees is expensive, so we pass those savings down to our customers. The second component is quality. Through operational flexibility and responsiveness, we are able to keep our performance quality at a constant, high rate, which shows in our customer reviews of the services we provide. Finally, we have developed a culture at BNCC that is highly team-based. We’ve cultivated a positive, family-like atmosphere that extends from leadership to every member of the team.
Where is BNCC, LLC located?
BNCC, LLC is located in Belize City which is the largest city in Belize with the largest access to labor pool and commercial services. It’s a nearshore center providing both inbound and outbound outsourcing services.
Why is Belize a great destination for your brand?
Belize is a short flight from the U.S. and the only Central American country where English is the official language. Furthermore, American culture is not only understood here but also embraced. Belize is in the Central Standard Time zone, making it convenient for the bulk of our interactions with customers. Belize is known for its warm and friendly residents, which comes through in our communication with valued clients. Belize is economically and politically stable but offers cost advantages not available in the continental U.S.
What is the official language of Belize?
Belize is a native English-speaking country and the official language is English. The agents are very accent neutral. Over 50% of the population also speaks Spanish which allows BNCC, LLC to offer bilingual services.
How does BNCC keep up with frequent updates and changes in clients' business?
Our agents are an extension of your business, which means when you have new products/services hitting the market, our team will be in the know. We have established educational programs that ensure that when you have a new development, we know everything there is to know about it, which means when your customers have a question, we have an informed answer. One training technique is basic job shadowing, providing agents with real-world experiences via an experienced professional. Leadership training follows a highly structured schedule that instills leadership traits. From the agent to the team leader, the account manager to the operations manager, everyone is in constant training. We focus on communication, being a team player, being respectful and organized, being able to solve problems, and to self-motivated.